COVID Protocols

In accordance with TEA guidelines, Carthage ISD has worked with our nurses to create the following protocols in regards to COVID-19:

CISD COVID Protocols

  1. When a student is ill and sent to the nurse with COVID related symptoms, the nurse will call and notify the parent/guardian.

  2. The nurse will inform the parent/guardian of their child’s symptoms and if warranted, will have the parent/guardian pick the child up. If the parent/guardian requests a test at this time, it can be performed by the nurse. Rapid COVID testing by CISD nurses is free of charge. 

  3. After the COVID test is administered, the nurse will advise the parent/guardian of the return to school protocols.

  4. If the child tests positive, the nurse will safely quarantine the child until the parent/guardian arrives.

  5. The nurse will contact the child’s teachers to determine if any students were in close contact. CISD defines close contact as any student who sits directly beside, in front of, behind or in a “pod.” 

  6. If the teacher reports all students were properly wearing a mask, the students in close contact will not be quarantined. 

  7. If a student testing positive has any family members in the same home that attend CISD, they will be quarantined.

  8. A letter will be sent home with students in the class notifying parents that a classmate or teacher has tested positive.

  9. The student testing positive with COVID may return after the 10th day of quarantine and are clear of symptoms.

  10. Quarantine will end after the 10th day from the last day the person was in close contact.

  11. Nurses will contact custodial staff for sanitization purposes.

  12. Nurses will notify appropriate staff to set up at-home learning.

  • All staff members at CISD will be required to wear a mask.

  • Anyone being transported in CISD buses or vehicles will be required to wear a mask.

  • Temperature check procedures for all staff and students are being established.

  • Self-monitoring for all CISD staff will continue.

For further information or to request COVID testing for a CISD student, please contact your child’s campus nurse:

Tammy Delk, LVN Carthage Primary (903) 693-2254

Amanda Deason, RN Libby Elementary (903) 693-8862

Lacie LaGrone, LVN Baker-Koonce Intermediate (903) 693-8611

Talar McAlister, LVN Carthage Jr. High (903) 693-2751

Bonnie McMillian, LVN Carthage High School (903) 693-2552

District COVID Contact:

Donna Porter, Ed.D. - (903) 693-3806